6 Practical Advertising Tricks For Realtors

Digital advertising is one of the best ways to reach prospects outside of your immediate Sphere of Influence. It’s especially important when it comes to the real estate industry because such a large part of succeeding is having effective advertising campaigns to acquire more customers.

However, when you look at the statistics and the fact that 9/10 realtors fail, it begs the question, do most Realtors have effective advertising strategies?

The answer is no and they’re not supposed to. They didn’t go to school for marketing and even if they did, it wouldn’t have really helped them anyway because what works today isn’t something schools can keep up with.

So what’s the secret to advertising success? 🤔

The secret is there is no secret. But more like a bunch of secrets.

It’s testing and doing the work. There’s no magic other than the effort to figure out what pieces work and then doing those things. But there are general things you can do to raise the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.

Here are 6 tips we recommend you consider when running real estate ads.

  1. Use surveys, not just forms. When you use surveys with pre-inputted answer options, it’s easier for people to answer the questions you want them to answer. Pro Tip: Only ask one question at a time per survey page. When you ask all the questions at once, prospects can get intimidated and will abandon the page.

  2. Make sure to classify your advertisement as a Housing Special Audience category on Facebook in campaign creation. Otherwise, you may see your ads rejected and your accounts shut down.

  3. For listings, use grid images that show multiple different parts of the property. This way, viewers can see the whole property at first glance. Alternatively, use carousel ads so people can swipe through the property and see each space individually.

  4. Listings 🏡. Every realtor wants them, but did you know that many buyers are also sellers? Since generating buyer leads is so much cheaper than seller leads, you’ll find off market properties just from focusing your advertising on buyer leads. A great way to discover who might be a seller is to ask if they rent or own in your qualifying survey.

  5. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Make sure you have SMS and email automations in place so you can focus on calling. Make sure to reach out a total of 7-10 times before you disqualify a prospect due to no contact. At this point, add them into a long term email sequence to deliver properties to them.

  6. Use Chatbots 🤖. Chatbots are the Holy Grail of lead generation and they’re a real estate game changer. When used in conjunction with advertising, leads message you as opposed to you messaging them, on top of that you’ll enjoy a zero bounce rate on contact, and have the ability to instantly talk to your leads the moment they qualify. Beyond that, your chatbot can be used to educate prospects, entertain them, and even advertise listings and open houses for you.

Applying these 6 tips is a great way to increase your overall advertising effectiveness.


About Us:

Almost Magical Marketing is a full suite digital marketing agency specializing in Chatbots, Facebook Advertising, Social Media Management, Sales Consulting, Franchise Marketing, and Branding. Our team of almost magical llamas brings a wealth of experience from multiple industries. 🦙✨

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